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Showing results 21 to 40 of 1386 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023FAO as a tool of ecosystem entrepreneurship and its implementation in UkraineSazonets, Olga; Myskovets, Nataliia
2023Features of eco-labeling in the context of sustainable development goalsDzhyndzhoian, Volodymyr; Khodak, Olga
2021Features of the investigation of hooliganism committed by football fans.Кириченко, О.В.
2021Flipped Learning: Strategies and Technologies in Higher EducationБердо, Р.С.
2021-07Flipped Learning: Strategies and Technologies in Higher EducationMiziuk, Viktoriia; Berdo, Rimma; Derkach, Larysa; Kanibolotska, Olha; Stadnii, Alla
2017Foreign experience of public administration in the context of the economic equilibrium of synthetic economic crisisСардак, С.Е.; Джинджоян, В.В.
2021Formation of the anti-crisis concept of increasing the strategic stability of UkrzaliznytsiaДьомін, Є.
2021Fraud in the banking system of Ukraine: ways to combat taking into account foreign experience.Кириченко, О.В.
2016Global innovations in tourismДжинджоян, В.В.; Сардак, С.Е.; Самойленко, А.О.
2023Green agro-production as a factor of competitiveness, sustainability, efficient and ecologically safe agricultureTeslenko, Tatyana; Voronkova, Valentyna; Hakova, Mira
2022Hermeneutic Dimension of Lexical-Syntactic Word Formation (in Ukrainian Language and Literature)Andrishko, Oleh; Popovskyi, Anatolii
2022Hermeneutic Dimension of Lexical-Syntactic Word Formation (in Ukrainian Language and Literature)Andrishko, Oleh; Popovskyi, Anatolii
2021How teachers deal with cases of bullying in high schoolНагорна, Ю.А.; Пакулова, Т.В.; Тимофіїва, К.М.
2021HR-менеджмент в контексті поведінкового аспектуГакова, М.В.
2020-08Impact of the worldwide trends on the development of the digital economyТесленко, Т.В.
2021Individualization of teachingПакулова, Т.В.
2021Influence of language on a individual’s personalityПідвисоцька, Г.В.
2023Institution for the provision of amateur and sport fishing in UkraineToryanyk, Volodymyr; Novitskyi, Roman; Bajdak, Leonid; Rodinskyi, Viktor
2021Institutionalization of legal entity of legal clinics is a prerequisite of their efficiency as innovative forms of educationАлфьорова, Т.М.; Лежнєва, Т.М.
2022Intellectualization of methods to improve the system of transport servicesСазонець, О.М.