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Showing results 52 to 71 of 1402 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Peculiarities of motivation-orientation component of professional self-identification of a future psychologist.Berdo, Rimma
2022Personality security as a component of social security in the public administration system in UkraineTsymbal, Bohdan; Drohomeretska, Iryna; Sakharova, Katerina; Serohina, Nataliia
2024Post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. Prospects and problematic issues of confiscation of Russian foreign assetsDavydiuk, Vadym
2023Psychological consequences of environmental crises for the individualAharkov, Oleh; Prisniakova, Liudmyla; Pashko, Antonina; Tarasevych, Inna
2023Psychological Portrait of a Contemporary Political LeaderAharkov, Oleh; Prisniakova, Liudmyla; Samoilov, Oleksandr; Nesprava, Mykola; Kovalenko, Tetiana
2021Psychology in terms – vocabulary listТимофіїва, К.М.
2023Psychology of self-development: strategies and factors of effective personal growthPrisniakova, Liudmyla; Aharkov, Oleh; Samoilov, Oleksandr; Nesprava, Mykola; Varakuta, Maryna
2024Regulative and Protective Legal Norms and RelationshipsChernopiatov, Stanislav
2024Regulative and Protective Legal Norms and RelationshipsChernopiatov, Stanislav
2024Regulative and Protective Legal Norms and RelationshipsChernopiatov, Stanislav
2021Scientific genesis of operational and search measures to сombat intentional homicide by the criminal policeДавидюк, В.М.
2024SMART-технології організації туризму в ПольщіФедорченко, І.О.
2020Socio-economic recovery of the Ukrainian tourist enterprises due to the influence of the COVID-19Стоян, К.С.; Джинджоян, В.В.
2024Socio-psychological factors affecting sustainable developmentAharkov, Oleh; Prisniakova, Liudmyla; Harets, Nadiia; Varakuta, Maryna; Tarasevych, Inna
2021Structural-functional providing of the operative-investigative crime prevention in the field of public procurement in UkraineЛитвинов, В.В.
2019The accordance of the criminal police reformation with the current criminal threats situation in Ukraine.Кириченко, О.В.
2024The effect of globalization on resolving legal disputes out of judicial procedureMoseiko, Anzhela
2022-10The efficiency of individual and public spending on higher education in OECD countries and in UkraineHryhorash, Olha; Bocharov, Dmytro; Bondar, Anastasiia; Zhuravka, Olena; Mordan, Yevgeniya; Teslenko, Tetiana
2022The importance of inclusive educationПідвисоцька, Г.В.
2024The principle of integrity in the system of public administration standardsNehodchenko, Vadym; Samoilenko, Oleksandr