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Showing results 42 to 61 of 1386 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Judicial review as a form of justiceLytvynov, Valerii
2021Lean produktion of "Toyota" as an integrated system of operational perfectionТесленко, Т.В.; Романко, О.В.
2024Legal Challenges of the Globalised World and Cognitive War in Ukraine: Methodology Justice that Protects Future – New Challenges, New Models, New solutionsMaksymenko, Serhii; Derkach, Lidiya
2023Legal challenges of the globalised world: How should the law protect and realise rights?DHU
2021Legal linguistics and prospects of its developmentНагорна, Ю.А.
2019Legal support by criminal police for operational-search combating crimes against public safety.Кириченко, О.В.
2023Medical psychologySpirina, Iryna
2023-03Methodological Tools for Carrying Out Psychological TrainingKryvonis, Tamara; Artemova, Olha; Androsovych, Kseniia; Zaushnikova, Maryna; Agapova, Iryna; Kutishenko, Valentina
2021Modern challenges to international tourismДжинджоян, В.В.
2021-03Modern challenges to international tourismДжинджоян, В.В.
2020Peculiarities of motivation-orientation component of professional self-identification of a future psychologist.Berdo, Rimma
2022Personality security as a component of social security in the public administration system in UkraineTsymbal, Bohdan; Drohomeretska, Iryna; Sakharova, Katerina; Serohina, Nataliia
2024Post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. Prospects and problematic issues of confiscation of Russian foreign assetsDavydiuk, Vadym
2023Psychological consequences of environmental crises for the individualAharkov, Oleh; Prisniakova, Liudmyla; Pashko, Antonina; Tarasevych, Inna
2023Psychological Portrait of a Contemporary Political LeaderAharkov, Oleh; Prisniakova, Liudmyla; Samoilov, Oleksandr; Nesprava, Mykola; Kovalenko, Tetiana
2021Psychology in terms – vocabulary listТимофіїва, К.М.
2023Psychology of self-development: strategies and factors of effective personal growthPrisniakova, Liudmyla; Aharkov, Oleh; Samoilov, Oleksandr; Nesprava, Mykola; Varakuta, Maryna
2024Regulative and Protective Legal Norms and RelationshipsChernopiatov, Stanislav
2024Regulative and Protective Legal Norms and RelationshipsChernopiatov, Stanislav
2024Regulative and Protective Legal Norms and RelationshipsChernopiatov, Stanislav